Oil Painting Collage · Early Years
In 1965 I applied to Yale, Michigan State University and Syracuse University (my safety school) for my Master of Arts and Master of Fine Arts.
I presented my portfolio of drawings, and oil painting collages for review, including MOURNING STAR.
After reviewing my portfolio, Yale asked me to submit a larger painting for consideration, which at the time I had none. So I got to work and produced the oil painting collage THE GATE.
Yale and MSU only took 8 students in their MFA program.
Many weeks later the first letter arrived from Syracuse saying I was rejected for their graduate program. Not holding out much hope and with much angst I waited for the next letters to arrive.
Within a day apart both Yale and MSU acceptance letters arrived. I chose MSU and started in the summer of 1965.
I chose painting and printmaking as my major and art history as the minor for my MA (Master of Arts) program, and painting and printmaking for my MFA (Master of Fine Arts: the equivalent to a Doctorate) program for a total of 90 credits in a three year program. I completed the program in a year and a half with 96 credits and a 3.89 QPR.
I taught life drawing and printmaking to graduate and undergraduate students at Michigan State University.